NewsEventsSpanish Catholic cinema professionals gather for the I Conference of Catholic Cinema...

Spanish Catholic cinema professionals gather for the I Conference of Catholic Cinema Analysis 

The city of Madrid, Spain, became the epicenter of reflection and dialogue around Catholic cinema with the celebration of the I Jornada de Análisis del Cine Católico, a joint initiative of CinemaNet, SIGNIS Spain, the Institute for the Study of Democracy CEU-Observatory of Religious Information, and the Angel Herrera Oria Cultural Foundation. This event, which took place on January 15 at the facilities of the San Pablo CEU University, marked a milestone by bringing together prominent directors, producers and distributors of Catholic cinema in Spain.

The conference, open to the general public, was the first professional reflection of the sector in Spain, offering a space for meeting and exchange to address various crucial aspects of the Catholic film industry. From the quality of this type of cinema to its impact on the market, promotion strategies, financing problems, collaboration between companies in the sector, reception in the general media and participation in festivals and awards, were some of the central issues that were discussed throughout the event.

Daniel Arasa, journalist and president of CinemaNet, acted as convener and master of ceremonies, establishing a tone of frank and enriching dialogue among the participants. The Angel Herrera Oria Cultural Foundation served as the propitious setting for this unique encounter, also supported by the collaboration of SIGNIS, World Association for Catholic Communication, and the newly launched CEU Observatory on Religion and Society.

The event not only explored the challenges and opportunities facing the Catholic film industry today, but also provided a quick historical overview, recalling the presence of Christianity in cinema from its earliest days. The importance of this type of cinema as an apostolate, rather than just a business, was highlighted, and the need for greater coordination between the different production companies to strengthen the cultural and spiritual impact was emphasized.

The day culminated with a series of reflections by filmmakers such as Rafael Gordon, who praised Catholic filmmakers as “resistors against evil”. Paco Arango, screenwriter and director, shared his experience in creating films that seek to bring Christian values to a wider audience, while Pietro Ditano stressed the importance of following the call of the heart in the cinematic mission.

In summary, the 1st Catholic Film Analysis Day in Madrid not only provided a space for deep reflection on the Catholic film industry, but also laid the groundwork for future collaborations and synergies among the protagonists of this exciting and committed form of artistic expression.


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