NewsHuman RightsThe International Catholic Center of Cooperation with UNESCO held Webinars on New Technologies...

The International Catholic Center of Cooperation with UNESCO held Webinars on New Technologies and Mankind

(ICCC). The webinars were part of the ICCC’s “Metamorphosis of the world” Forum and focused on changes brought up by new technologies for humankind. The Forum aims to open up avenues for reflection and legitimize the fundamental concern for the new generations.

Since its creation in 1947, the ICCC has always wanted to put the human being at the very centre of the world. Each technological advance, each new scientific discovery, introduces possibilities for change in society while being accompanied by a discourse that could modify the very notion of the Person. Technology is not neutral but conveys in its wake social and cultural orientations that could be irreversible.

You can find below links to the three webinars to live or relive these times of exchange and reflection. Agnès Ravoyard, representing our Association before the UNESCO advisory body ICFT (International Council for Film Television and Audiovisual Communication), was among the participants.

Webinar 1 – Faced with New technologies: Opportunities and Risks for Humanity

Webinar 2 – Faced with Artificial Intelligence: What should be the anthropological vision of Humanity in mutation? Which ethical references should be considered about Humanity to educate human beings and not robots?

Webinar 3 – In the age of Artificial Intelligence, which educational orientations should be implemented to favour the construction of the Human Beings?


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