NewsCultureSIGNIS Awards 2020

SIGNIS Awards 2020

What a year it has been! A year when cultural outings were a rarity for us, when our social relations were altered. Following the spread of the pandemic, festivals have been postponed, cancelled, gone online or to a hybrid version: all adding up to a big mess for the organizers and for the juries.

However, SIGNIS and its partners made a point of being present at all the events which actually did take place, whatever form they took. It was our way of being in solidarity with all those who believe in Art and Cinema, of supporting all initiatives that bring hope. In the end, more than 20 prizes were awarded by SIGNIS, ecumenical or inter-religious juries.

More than ever, cinema has allowed us to stay connected and walk together through stories that tell of our faith in today’s society, of our anxieties, and that show us concrete solutions to build a better world. One that is fairer to the oppressed, more ecologically aware, more fraternal.

Click here to download our SIGNIS Awards 2020 or read it online here.


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