NewsCultureCineMag SIGNIS. Cinema for our Common Home

CineMag SIGNIS. Cinema for our Common Home

SIGNIS will be 20 years old in December, but thanks to the International Catholic Office of Cinema (OCIC) created in 1928, this association has a heritage of more than 90 years in the service of cinema, including 74 years of presence in film festivals. CineMag, one of SIGNIS’ youngest achievements, is two years old, with eight issues. The editorial staff of your film magazine pays tribute to Dean Guido Convents, who has just retired after more than three decades of loyal service to the media and the cinema. It thus passes on to us the witness of a rich heritage to be preserved and developed for the development of a cinema at the service of human values and of the whole world. “Our world” is precisely the theme of this publication which symbolizes a new impetus on the same ramp of promotion of the seventh art which is a tool of evangelization. It is a nod to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ on safeguarding the common home. CineMag focuses our attention somewhat on the place of ecology in film creation, the contribution to the protection of the environment in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of which several points, the 15th in particular, invite the preservation of the ecosystem. More than 2,000 films awarded by OCIC / SIGNIS, and beyond, many creations invite moviegoers to visit “our world” through fiction films or documentaries, of various genres: poetic or dramatic. New sections to discover new talents and further diversity CineMag’s audience.

Charles Ayetan

Chief Editor

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