NewsMediaPrix Père Jacques Hamel application is open now 

Prix Père Jacques Hamel application is open now 

The application for the Prix Père Jacques Hamel is now open. Created in 2017, this award given by the Catholic Media Federation recognizes journalistic work that highlights initiatives for peace and interreligious dialogue, honoring the memory of Fr. Jacques Hamel.

Fr. Hamel was assassinated by terrorists in 2017 while celebrating mass in the chapel of St-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy, France. Without a doubt, his death arouses strong emotions and calls for substantial involvement in deep interreligious dialogue. For this reason, the Catholic Media Federation decided to create the Fr. Jacques Hamel Prize and award it at the International St. Francis de Sales Days, held every January in Lourdes, France. 

The contest is open to all producers of an original creation: professional journalists, press correspondents, employees in a company, or independent workers. Their creation, may it be print media, radio, television, photo, or multimedia, must have been published between February and November 2022, to be eligible for the prize. It is important that the original language is French (not a translation) and that its message promotes peace and interreligious dialogue.

The winner of the prize is awarded 1.500€ which will be given to them at the St-Etienne-du-Rouvray Church, in remembrance of Fr. Hamel. To know more about the rules and application procedure, click here.


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